Basic DNA
Available Online Classes
Duration: 3 Days
The Basic DNA introduces the ThetaHealing techniques and focuses on activating the 12 strands of DNA (DNA Activation) within each participant to awaken and accelerate your intuitive and psychic senses.
Basic DNA, is the first of the “Foundation Seminars” (Basic DNA, Advanced DNA & Dig Deeper) that certifies you as a ThetaHealer Practitioner. Foundation Seminars provides you with the tools that empower you to move forward with confidence.
Learn how to train your mind to work with you in empowering your life and the lives of others through this incredible work. You will understand how your subconscious belief systems create who you are today and how these limiting beliefs may restrict you from reaching your highest and truest potential.
Understand how to locate and change these negative patterns for yourself and others. All through a simple technique that teaches you how to connect and co-create with Pure Source Energy whilst achieving and holding a “Theta brain state” in minutes.
“Theta” is the border between the conscious and the subconscious worlds. The “Theta brainwave”, named by scientists, is the brainwave the body achieves under very deep meditation. It is in this state that a reality can be created, dis-created and redefined. Simply put it is from this state that a negative or limiting belief pattern can be transformed enabling you to truly shine IN ALL PARADIGMS OF YOUR LIFE.
Course Outline: ThetaHealing is easy to learn and will assist you in identifying the energies that cause or contribute to creating challenge and imbalance in your life. You will be transformed when you collapse the old paradigm constructs, long standing patterns and behaviours that no longer serve you. Allowing you more access to your innate potential. Reclaim your personal power and reconnect to your intuitive gifts for your soul’s journey. You will learn how to apply this technique for yourself and others.
Other topics and exercises include:
Understanding the science of Theta and applied quantum physics.
How to connect and co-create with pure source energy.
How to access a Theta brain state swiftly and easily.
Why we create things in our life and what we learn from it.
Discover the basics for manifesting what you want in your life (e.g. financial success, soul mates, health).
How to project your consciousness (remote viewing).
Learn the DNA activation and have yours activated.
Perform intuitive body scans.
Learn how to intuitively see inside the human body & identify energetic blocks.
Give a future reading.
Contact your guardian angels.
Co-create healing and changing belief systems.
Balancing your moods.
Learn about the Seven Planes of Existence.
Discover the (4) levels of beliefs & where they are held.
Learning how to alter limiting beliefs on a core, genetic, history & soul level.
Discover how to perform powerful energy clearings on yourself, others, home, office or business.
Find out how to prevent & free yourself from psychic attacks, curses.
Learn about soul fragments & how to clear them.
Learn how to energetically reverse the ageing process.
Learn why we create things in our life and what we learn from it.
The ThetaHealing Basic DNA seminar is the first seminar to certify you as a ThetaHealing Practitioner. The Basic DNA and Advanced DNA are the two main seminars that will give you the main tools to start as a ThetaHealer.
Seminar Includes: ThetaHealing® Book and ThetaHealing® Manual
Prerequisites: No prerequisites required
Course information description and images from official THInK -ThetaHealing Institute of Knowledge (Copyright © 2018, ThetaHealing®. All Rights Reserved).